Monday, January 31, 2011

The Thrill is Gone

I always used to look forward to dinner every night. My whole family, crammed around the table, saying grace, stuffing our faces, leaving only some scraggly veggies as leftovers (unless, of course, it's 'experiment' night for my mom...). But those days are over. Instead of joining my family as soon as mother calls the meal to order, I have to go into the kitchen, drag out a pan, some beans, cheese, assorted vegetables, kale, shrimp, bread, eggs, and any combination of those foods in order to make my totally meat-free meal. My family is usually done eating by the time I sit down at the table with my humble plate. I have not touched meat in 31 days. One month done, ELEVEN to go!

I am rather proud of myself. I definitely do not miss meat very often, and when I do, it's usually because I feel too lazy to make the effort to cook for myself. It's a pain but very good preparation for college and 'real life' (whatever the hell that is), if I say so myself. However, since giving up meat cold turkey, I have really not felt any different. I've lost a couple of pounds, increased my consumption of ice cream and yogurt, and learned how to peel an avocado and cook rice! Exciting, I know, but that's about it. I even have to take these strawberry-smelling multi-purpose vitamins which have over 100% of the daily value for several different nutrients (is that even safe?)

I was assured that after giving up meat, I would enjoy eating more, I would learn to love exotic flavors and the tenderness of florets of broccoli, lentils would caress my tongue, spinach would be my pillow, and more. LIES. I simply don't enjoy eating as much anymore, not because of the lack of meat, but because it takes so much effort to make a nice meal, that by the time I'm done, I have inhaled enough odors from the skillet to fill me up for a week. Master chef material? Not me. I'll read the cookbook and pick out recipes for YOU to make, but don't make me TOUCH the spatula (unless it's covered with cookie dough...)

Anyways, join me in saving the animals I don't really care about to begin with!

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