Wednesday, January 12, 2011


The second week after getting back from vacation is probably the most awful week of the year. You are over the excitement of seeing friends again, homework starts piling up, the first tests surface, and you feel lethargic from all the leftover holiday goodies. Not to mention your New Year's Resolutions, which have either been broken or never started (no fears, I am still a veggie-eater!) So, in an effort to have a good day tomorrow (yes, this is all for completely selfish, self-absorbed, ME reasons), I am asking all of you, dear readers, to SMILE tomorrow. At everyone.

For example:

That awkward moment when you are walking down the hallway and there's a single person walking toward you from the other end. SMILE.
When you walk in a classroom of the teacher you abhor. SMILE.
When you bump into:
That unrequited love. SMILE.
That requited love. SMILE.
That kid you hate. SMILE.
A freshman. SMILE.
A doorway. SMILE
Smile at your mom, your cellphone, your car radio, the dead flowers in your yard, even your calculus homework.
And if you want to be even more exciting, smile at people in the cars next to you. I mean, people actually get DATES doing that. Who knows, it could be your lucky day....

Not only will you make yourself feel happier (it is scientifically proven that if you pretend to be happy, you will be happier), but you might end up freaking other people out and making them feel like sourpusses, which definitely is worth the sore face at the end of the day.

Of course, the cynics among you are sneering. "Stupid, cliche bloggers. Real life sucks. No reason to be happy." Yeah, yeah, yeah. But cheer up just for tomorrow, Grinch. Grow a heart. Don't be negative. Eat a cookie.

In the 'words' (snicker) of the great Charlie Chaplin:

Lily Allen is great, too, if you're new-fangled and shit:


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