Sunday, May 29, 2011

See you...later?

I graduated today?
When did this happen?
How can I say I had a great time in high school and made spectacular friends, when I simultaneously say that I hated my school and everyone in it?
Is this teen angst?!?!?!

I feel like a dweeb admitting it, but Bishop Lynch really did change me for the better. I know for a fact that I am much more confident, knowledgeable, likeable, hateable, and generally equipped with a much more defined personality to enter college with than the one I possessed four years ago.

Perhaps that's just normal development, that anywhere I had gone to high school would have shaped me the same way, but now that I'm completely done without any threat of having to return, I would like to thank everyone in my class, everyone that taught me, everyone that I was so thankful to say goodbye to forever today, everyone that I will see tomorrow and in the next week for more celebrations, and duh my family, even though they're exhausted from all the crazy events happening in this supersized household and decided to all take a nap tonight while I went out to other people's graduation parties...

To my classmates: Congrats, guys, you made it just as far as millions of other high school students this weekend. Join the masses. 
Don't flunk out of college. Don't drink away your liver. Don't smoke away your lungs. Don't sex away your fertility. Don't remember me as the prude who told you not to do anything fun. 
Remember me if you're ever famous. Wear sunscreen. Listen to quality music. Marry the one you love. Treat your children well. Take care of your parents. Travel the world. Volunteer. Cry.

Okay, done with sentimentality.

11:11 right now...make a wish.

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