Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Crunch Time!

That moment..when you feel like you are on the edge of absolute exhaustion to the point of collapse

And then...that moment when you can't remember exactly what is making you so tired or why you are depriving yourself of sleep when there are literally only 7 days left of school...what's the point, again?

Then your mind goes on a road trip, roughly spanning the perimeter of Texas, and you evaluate how many days out of the past four years will actually affect your life over the next four years.You discover that those projects will be forgotten, the calculus grade will be irrelevant, the enemies will be too far away to care about, past loves will be meaningless, old friends will have to be hunted down in order to stay in contact, and the only thing left will be the old homecoming dresses in the closet, the pictures on Facebook, and perhaps a slight memory recall when you smell the same scent that your ex-crush wore daily. Woahhh now.

Did you just waste four years of your life on inconsequential nonsense?

If you take that attitude, man, then you will see your whole life as inconsequential nonsense, and that ain't no fun. So don't. Listen to some inspirational music and convince yourself that it was all for the best. And if you're lucky, perhaps it was!

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