Friday, July 2, 2010

The Ping-Pong Song

Right now I have an ice-pack around my head, am listening to Shakira and Enrique alternately, and trying not to let the oxycontin I took a few minutes ago get the best of me. Yes, I got my wisdom teeth out today, all four of them, two of which had grown around the nerve of my bottom teeth (don't worry, though! the only side effect of that is possibly having a numb bottom lip for the rest of my life!). Today, I've pretty much been watching movies or sleeping or pretending to sleep. The Darjeeling Limited, with the wonderful Adrien Brody, was the first I watched. It lacks a point, but has that strange factor that makes it enjoyable in a strange way, ya know? Now I'm starting on Bottle Shock, with the actor otherwise known as Snape, another actor otherwise known as Captain Kirk, and finally the actor otherwise known as Meg Ryan's ex-fiance in Sleepless in Seattle. So far I am bored out of my mind. But it's only been 20 minutes or so, so hopefully the movie will improve.
(And for all of you wondering just how bad I'm feeling, I actually have felt no pain except for a nasty caffeine-withdrawal headache...)

Last night, while eating my last chewy food - blueberry pie - I had a moment where I really missed Honduras. Like, seriously close to tears. I missed the ridiculous heat, the not-feeling-guilty for anything, the physical work-out, and the kids, of course.

This post has absolutely no objective. But so many people were curious to see how much pain-killers affect me (and yet none of those said people expressed much sympathy-thanks for the support, guys), that I decided to take a break from my chair and show that I can actually handle the experience.

Or, at least, I think I have...

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